High five a Korat. Meet the feline bearer of happiness from Thailand.

A sleek figure, shiny silver-blue fur, and the gentle nature of an always cheerful four-legged friend – no wonder Korat cats have won the hearts of many fabCat Caretakers. This breed from Thailand is a great choice for anyone looking for a gentle, friendly, yet curious and active cat companion. A purring buddy who will lounge on your lap during a movie and chase after a feather on a string the moment you pull it out.

Today, we’re high-fiving the Korats, getting to know the breed better, and checking out how to distinguish a Korat from a Chartreux, Russian Blue, and British Shorthair. Stay with us!

“Hi, I’m a Korat:

I have large green eyes, silver-blue velvety fur, a heart-shaped head, and ears that hear every opened treat package. You can’t hide anything from me because I’m a curious guy. I love purring, playing, and spending time with humans. Have I stolen your heart yet? Wait until you get to know me better – I haven’t played all my aces yet.”

Korat cats are fantastic creatures. Their history is long and rich, with the first mentions of Korats appearing in manuscripts from the 14th century – they are one of the oldest cat breeds in the world! These adorable purrers have their roots in Thailand, where they have always been considered a symbol of luck and good fortune – kittens were even given as gifts to newlyweds or young parents as a good talisman for their new path in life. The symbolism of Korats is, of course, no coincidence – it’s due to their gentle disposition and long lives. Korats can stay by their human companions’ side for up to 20 years, enjoying good health. Thanks to their friendly nature, innate playfulness, and attachment to humans, they make wonderful companions for their Caretakers.

Although I’m calm, I love to play

Korats are friendly and relaxed furries, but don’t let appearances deceive you – these cats love a good play session and are always bursting with energy, not just when they’re kittens. They are sociable animals, eager to run, jump, and interact with humans, but they still value their independence – the perfect balance between a constantly present, curious kitten and a couch potato. They also won’t say no to lounging on their favorite human’s lap. Once they get to know you better, they’ll jump right in for a cuddle. Sounds like a purrfect deal for everyone involved 🙂

We also have good news for challenge enthusiasts – a Korat might not beat you at chess, but it’s an exceptionally intelligent cat who enjoys solving puzzles and riddles, especially when treats are involved. They also love learning new tricks. Due to their athletic build hidden inside a relatively small body, Korats love climbing and energetic play – they have mastered staying fit, so boredom is not an option with them around. Do they meow? Of course – when they want something, they know how to make their demands known.

Don’t worry, I won’t cover your home in fur

Now, a treat for cat lovers for whom ubiquitous fur is a small problem: the Korat cat fur is short, soft to the touch, and doesn’t shed much. These cats have no undercoat, so you don’t have to worry about a furnado anytime your cat naps on your chair. Grooming is also simple – just an occasional brush the kitty and you’re done.

Alright, fabCat, but what about those similarities to other breeds? Korats are often confused with other blue cats because the differences are minimal to the untrained eye. But if you look closer, you’ll notice that:

  • Korat’s fur is lighter at the base than along its length, and its tips are silvery, giving the coat a shimmering appearance.
  • A distinctive feature of Korats is their large, round green (or yellowish) eyes and a heart-shaped head, which you won’t find in other blue cats. If you compare photos of Korats, British Shorthairs, Chartreux, and Russian Blues, you’ll catch this detail right away.
  • Korat ears are gently rounded at the tips, unlike the ears of Russian Blue cats. Interestingly, while Korats appear slimmer than British Shorthairs or Chartreux, they are well-built, muscular, and strong – they aren’t big cats, but their weight can surprise you.
  • While each cat’s personality varies, even within a breed, Korats are definitely more active than, say, British Shorthairs, and simultaneously more sociable than Russian Blues. A Korat is simply a true feline friend whose presence you will never get enough of.

One look at a Korat and you know it’s a cat ready for mischief and good fun. Even though this breed isn’t the most popular among blue cats in Europe, they are definitely worth considering when looking for a feline friend for many years. Have you, fabCats, heard of Korats before? Or maybe you know other interesting cat breeds that we could explore further on our blog? Share your suggestions in the comments 🙂

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