Even though Black Friday officially falls on Friday, online shopping madness is already in full swing. Special deals on scratching posts, beds, toys, food, litter, accessories – everything a cat’s soul desires is available at the paw’s reach at even better prices. But what, fabCat, is really worth investing in during the big sales, and what accessories would your furry friends throw into their baskets? Check out the list of cat MUST-HAVE, thanks to which you’ll earn a golden star from your cat for successful shopping.
1. Scratchers, the mandatory furniture in every cat’s home
A good scratching post serves not only to sharpen claws. It’s a piece of furniture that fulfills several natural cat needs and allows furballs to stretch comfortably, have fun, and mark their territory with their scent. Black Friday promotions are a good opportunity to replace worn-out scratchers with new ones, but before you click “pay” in the cart, make sure that the scratchers you’ve chosen meet a few key criteria for your cat:
Vertical scratching post:
- Tall, with at least one, long pole uninterrupted with a shelf – so that the cat can stretch its body to the maximum while scratching,
- Stable – a vertical scratching post should not wobble when the cat pushes against it with all its strength,
- Heavy – so it doesn’t topple over on the cat while scratching.
Such criteria are met by a sofa, and that’s one of the main reasons why cats often choose your furniture instead of the lightweight pole next to it.
Horizontal scratchers:
- Heavy and stable – so it doesn’t escape from under the cat’s paws while scratching,
- Adequate size – a good horizontal scratcher will easily accommodate an adult cat, even larger breeds, during scratching and lounging.
- Safe – cut cardboard can have sharp edges, so be sure to pay attention to its finish. A good scratcher will be gentle on cat paws.
When designing myKotty scratchers, we thought of all the criteria that will make your cat happily use the scratching post. LUI, VIGO, and TOBI are suitable even for large cats, perfect for scratching, sleeping, and playing, and their surface is as smooth as suede and completely safe for cat paws.
PS Take advantage of the BLACK FURIDAY promotion at www.mykotty.eu and grab LUI for 50% off, VIGO for 52.5% off, and extra discounts on scratching post sets
2. Comfortable bed always in style
Small, large, soft with sturdy sides, open or in the form of a hut, standing and hanging – the world of cat beds is incredibly diverse. But although cats are undeniable fans of long naps and blissful rest, not every cat will like every bed. And that’s OK! However, it’s worth keeping this in mind when you go crazy while shopping, fabCat.
Before throwing the bed that’s making a furor among furballs on Instagram into your cart, ask yourself a few questions:
- Which spots and beds does your cat prefer to use most eagerly?
- What type of bedding interests him the most, and which beds does he usually avoid?
- Is the new, trendy bed definitely a purchase for the cat, or did you just like its design?
By analyzing the topic from the cat’s needs perspective, you give yourself a greater chance that your furball will get along with the new acquisition and immediately jump in for a well-deserved nap. And that’s the goal
And what sort of cat beds will your cats find at myKotty? Above all, we focus on large, soft, and ultra-comfortable beds that most cats will love. We offer them:
- the OTI bed – round like a donut with cushions suspended on a stable frame, 30 cm above the ground;
- the EMI pillow, cozy when folded into a fortune cookie shape and exceptionally spacious when unfolded like thick dough pastry;
- the PADI pillow, perfect for napping on a dresser, armchair, or by the fireplace. For long nights and lazy autumn days.
3. New carrier – travel in style
Cats and travel are not necessarily a successful duo. Many furballs hide in a tight corner at the sight of a carrier, just so the human won’t take them for another visit to the vet’s office. But sometimes travel is a necessity, and then it’s worth having a proven and safe means of transport at hand. Unfortunately, we often stick with the carrier we bought for the cat when bringing them home for the first time. And there’s nothing wrong with that if it’s a safe model, large enough for an adult cat, and comfortable for you, fabCat. Even if you don’t use it often, an uncomfortable-to-carry carrier is a problem for both you and your furball.
Are you hunting for a new carrier in Black Friday promotions? Pay attention to a few key details:
- A safe way of closing – so that the cat cannot free itself from the carrier, for example, during a car ride,
- Solid construction – this concerns both the cat’s safety, e.g., in the event of an accident, and their comfort during travel. If the carrier is easily crushable, it poses a significant threat to the fur, and if the bottom sags under the cat’s weight, it’s hard to imagine that the cat will be comfortable there.
- Durability of fastenings and permissible load. The carrier may look solid at first glance, but when there is a 6 kg cat inside that starts fidgeting in distress, the material may not withstand it. Therefore, always check the permissible load for the carrier and regularly check whether the plastic or other material from which the carrier is made does not show signs of wear.
- Transportation method. Last on the list, but no less important – when you need to move the cat to the car or travel with it by public transport, carrying the carrier in your hand or on your shoulder must be comfortable for you too.
In the case of carriers for cats, always prioritize functionality and safety first, and aesthetics only later. And once you’ve checked if the selected model meets your expectations – go ahead, splurge on shopping, and treat your cat to a new limousine!
4. Always having fun!
In this category, Black Friday promotions are like opening a can of tuna – no cat can resist them! After all, an excess of toys never hurts, right? Toys are a good way to fill your basket when you want to reach the threshold for free delivery and at the same time an opportunity to surprise the cat with something new and awaken their inner tiger.
What toys do your furballs, reach for most eagerly, fabCats? Will your basket include kickers with valerian and catnip (the iconic Kung Fu cat toy recommends itself for cat martial arts enthusiasts), wand toys with feathers, squeaky balls, or interactive toys? If you’re sure they’ll bring joy to the cat, every answer is good here.
5. Furtastic accessories and treats
Discount events are always a good opportunity to browse through cat accessories and consider which of them may need replacement. Bowls, litter boxes, placemats, toy containers, transporter blankets – just like toys, small accessories are a cool addition to the shopping basket when you want to exceed the threshold for free delivery or spoil your cat. Our list of cat MUST-HAVE also cannot miss treats and pouches – with the upcoming holiday season (when there are always shortages of favorite cat foods), stocking up on cat “groceries” is a wise move.
And what about you,fabCats, what are you hunting for in promotions this year? Share your finds in the comments, and see you in a week!