Creating an outfit for tomorrow’s day at work, assembling fluffy accessories that will look good with your new jacket, or maybe hiding all your favorite …
When a cat sighs: “An empty bowl, again”. Why do some cats not finish their meals?
Cat eating habits vary. There are felines who will happily jump to a full bowl and lick it clean and those who see a bowl …
Cat-to-cat introductions – what’s the fuss about?
Cats are like chips – you don’t usually end up with just one 🙂 But you don’t need to introduce chips to one another and …
A touch of fun in the cat’s starter kit – find out, fabCat, how to pick cat toys your feline will be happy with
Playtime is key to a cat’s happiness. Even the biggest couch potatoes like swatting a fly with their paw from time to time, catching a …
A cat is a cat – they must scratch. But what if they don’t?
Scratching is as natural for cats as it is to go to the litter box, chase flies, and stick fur to every surface possible – …
Don’t be selfish – share! How to furnish a house for more than one cat?
What does a cat need in their territory? A litter box, of course, bowls full of yummy food, as well as a few scratchers, a …
Cat miner…? Why do cats like digging in the ground?
If you ever repotted your house plants in a cat’s company or came into a room in the morning to see a plant pot lying …
It’s not very cat-like: 4 mistakes that will put cats off their new accessories.
Did you ever come by cat accessories that you liked so much you couldn’t resist buying them, fabCat? The ones that piqued your interest immediately …
How to make a first-aid kit for a cat?
Hey, fabCat – do you have a first-aid kit at home, filled with all the necessary medicine and bandages for unexpected accidents? Good job! And …
All or nothing – how does your Tigger hunt?
Hunting is a key element of a cat’s hierarchy of needs. Small cats, big cats, on the couch or in the wild – every feline …