5 Things Cats Love Above All Else

What makes a cat’s heart beat faster and the world around them more wonderful? Here’s a little spoiler: it’s not just cardboard boxes and catnip! Cats have long lists of things they love and things they absolutely can’t stand. Today, we’ll dive into the top things that make our feline friends the happiest. What secret tricks can you pull out of your sleeve, fabCat, to bring your kitty some extra joy?

Scratching Is a Cat’s Calling

Sharp claws are a must! Scratching is a natural part of a cat’s daily life. It’s how they mark their territory, sharpen their claws, stretch, play, and relax. They’ll scratch to greet you at the door, to wake up after a long nap, or to release frustration when a fly escapes. What does this mean for you, fabCat? A sturdy scratching post is an absolute must-have in every cat’s home. Preferably more than one. Unless, of course, you’re a fan of the scratched-up couch look—no judgment here!

Need a fresh scratching post? You’re in the right place—at myKotty, we know everything about corrugated cardboard scratching posts that cats adore. Jump on www.mykotty.eu and find out which of our iconic models will steal your kitty’s heart. Not sure whether to pick LUI, VIGO, TOBI, YODI, or maybe one of the XL models? Check out our scratching post guide on the blog: https://blog.mykotty.pl/en/2024/05/20/the-first-steps-in-the-fabcat-world-how-to-choose-accessories-that-your-cat-will-love/ 

A Pouch Full of Delights

Cats generally like stability when it comes to their meals—they have their favorite flavors and happily munch them down for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But every cat has that one magical pouch (or can) they would do anything for. Is it often tuna? Maybe. But not always! This fall, we challenge you, fabCat: find that one food your kitty goes wild for. The one that makes them forgive you for tail-brushing, nail clipping, vet visits, and other unpleasant experiences. Keep it in reserve for those special moments. Don’t spoil them with it at every meal, of course, but when you want to make your cat extra happy, that’s your secret weapon.

Napping on a Soft Bed

Cats are expert nappers—they can snooze anywhere and anytime! The average adult cat sleeps between 12 and 16 hours a day. But if you want to take your cat’s nap game to the next level, fabCat: get them a comfy bed. Which one? Ah, that’s a great question because, while all cats love to sleep, their preferences can vary. We know some cats for whom our EMI cushion is the Holy Grail, others who always choose the “donut” position on the OTI, and some for whom soft beds are passé, preferring to nap on the VIGO XL. Well… at myKotty, there’s something for every kitty 🙂

Pampered in a Home Beauty Salon

We know, fabCats, that brushing isn’t every cat’s favorite activity. But for those cats who don’t mind being groomed, brush time is their absolute favorite part of the day. Seriously! And for a good reason—cats, known for their meticulous grooming, appreciate a little help with their fur. Brushing also provides a nice skin massage and just feels good. So grab a soft brush, fabCat, and turn your home into a beauty salon for your kitty.

Good Playtime Is Key

In a cat’s daily routine, four needs are essential: hunting, eating, grooming, and sleeping. Meeting each of these needs is key to a happy cat. We’ve already talked about grooming, sleep, and meals, so that leaves us with hunting, which we simulate through playtime. You read that right, fabCat: play is as important in a cat’s world as sleep and food—we can’t skip it just because we’re short on time, energy, or the mood to play. Whether you’re living with a young, energetic kitten, a crazy one-year-old, a settled adult cat, or a purring senior, a day without play is a day wasted.

What to play with? The possibilities are endless. Chasing a wand toy in line with the hunting cycle is the best thing you can do, but not every game has to follow the same rules. Give your cat a Kung Fu kicker with the best mix of catnip and valerian for some solo fun. Hide treats in a puzzle toy to engage their mind. Play hide-and-seek with your cat if it gets them excited, or toss a crumpled paper ball if they love to fetch. The better you know your cat, the better you’ll tailor the playtime to them. And that’s what being a fabCat is all about!

And what would your cats add to their list of absolute life loves, fabCats? We’re waiting for your best suggestions in the comments—don’t be shy!

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