A swimming pool pass, fitness classess, the gym – while you’re doing everything to get in shape for the summer, serve you cat with his own, personal trainer. KungFu is not your usual kicker toy – it’s an irreplaceable energy activator that will get even the most quiet of furs to discover their inner tiger and learn martial arts. Do you wish to know the full possibilities of KungFu? Let us show you the CV of the first black belt holder in the myKotty ranks.
FabCat, meet the KungFu cat toy
Every cat has a wild side to them. An untamed, primal energy that should be used for everyday playtime with a hooman, a cat buddy or solo. But not every toy is appealing to a cat in the same way – when some get crazy for a feathered wand toy or some strings, others will pass by them, uninterested, going straight for the kicker toy filled with some aromeowtic herbs.
The KungFu cat toy was created with all cats in mind, regardless of their preferences. The optimal size, unique shape and strong edges guarantee the maximum durability of the toy, which ensures that any cat with a strong liking for martial arts will happily kick its butt like Bruce Lee in his best action movies. The tail of KungFu is made with leather straps – the perfect target for cats who love biting on any strings and tassels. Inside, we also made space for the best stuff in town – with such a mix of dried catnip and valerian, no cat will resist the energising power of our humble KungFu. Who would expect such a simple toy to have such power?
Why do cats love kicker toys?
Kicking their prey or a toy with their back legs is a unique cat trait that seems to still be quite surprising for many cat Carers. As it turns out though, cats invented this atypical technique of self defence and attack just so they are able to hold their victim still and inflict some solid punches when they need to. Of course, the modern house cat puts their talents mostly into play – when they “catch” their prey in the form of a mouse on a wand toy, a kicker toy, a cat buddy or… the hooman’s hand, kicking it gives the cat an extra shot of adrenaline – it’s the sign of them being excited and engaged, so a reaction we definitely expect them to have.
Kicking is not a sign of frustration, aggression or a need to release some bad energy and emotions. For some cats it’s just their favourite form of spending their energy while hunting and a way of showing how happy they are about their success. Looking at the level of engagement into playtime, kicking is just as valuable as pulling on feathers, biting on a toy mouse they caught or carrying the “prey” in their mouths through the entire house just to show everybody they’ve got it.
A toy that’s (not) addictive
Though we’ve packed KungFu with the most aromeowtic mix of herbs a cat nose could dream of. playing with catnip and valerian is perfectly safe for them. We only use natural herbs known for their energizing, but non-addictive properties.
The KungFu cat toy can easily be a part of your everyday playtime with cat, as long as you don’t keep it within their reach at all times – after a play session is finished, pack the kicker up into its original packaging or a ziplock bag. An airtight packaging ensures that the herbs won’t lose its power and will be ready for the next time they meet the cat feet, which also makes the toy a big hit for longer.
Why do cats go crazy for catnip? More about the magic powers of cat herbs in our previous blog:
Remember, fabCat:
A cat’s reaction to catnip and valerian depends on an individual – though most furs are energised and ready for even more untamed play, others will just want to chill out with the catnip at hand. And that’s ok too! Rubbing on the toy with their face, biting it and then falling asleep on top of the KungFu like it was a comfy pillow is a completely normal, healthy reaction.
Tip treasure chest – make the aromeowtic power of KungFu last longer
The secret to the KungFu cat toy longevity is in the way it’s made. Right from the production and first prototyping stage, we expected that the KungFu would be a huge hit among your furry friends – the best personal martial arts coach that always gets a queue of volunteers for his training camp. A sturdy body, just the right filling and the perfected details were our primary target. We feel that only a toy that meets our standards 110% can give your cats maximum fun.
But now, when the KungFu is in your cat’s paws, it’s you, fabCat, who we pass the responsibility to keep the toy’s power at the top level on to. To get the best results, remember to:
- Always keep the playtime under your control – safety is the most important and although we made sure that KungFu is the most durable toy in your cat’s paws, you can never be too careful
- KungFu only peaks its head from the airtight packaging during playtime. Once the fun is over, always put it back into its original packaging, or other airtight ziplock bag to keep the aromeowtic magic of herbs sealed and not losing its aroma.
- If you need to clean the KungFu, we have some tips for you:
- Don’t wash it (by hand or in a washing machine) as the herbs won’t make it through.
- Deal with the single stains by spot cleaning – a damp cloth or sponge soaked in warm water or a gentle cleanser will help you remove most of the stains without having to soak the entire toy.
- If the smell of the toy starts going away, give the KungFu toy a massage – by squeezing and moving the inside of the toy you can reactivate the natural scent of the herbs and give your cat some more fun.
Whose cats had a chance to test their own strength on the KungFu cat toy? We’re waiting for your feedback in the comments and invite you to our social media – we can’t wait to see photos of your cats boxing with our champion of martial arts!