Maine Coon – giants among felines do exist!

When you hear the phrase “big cat,” you most likely picture a Maine Coon. These spectacular, gigantic furballs can impress anyone they meet with their size, lush mane, and charming personality. They are the undisputed kings of the feline world! But do you know what lies beneath their endless mass of fur, aside from a purring mechanism that even a tractor would envy? Join us in exploring the world of Maine Coons, fabCat!

A brief history of the great Maine Coon

Today, it’s one of the world’s most popular and recognizable cat breeds. Maine Coons owe their popularity not only to their large size but also to their wonderful character, making them excellent companions for humans. But how did such a unique breed of domestic cat come to be? It all started in the United States, in Maine – a state after which the breed was named. There are several theories about the first Maine Coon cats: they supposedly arrived in the U.S. on a ship belonging to Marie Antoinette and were crossbred with wild cats there, or came with the Vikings (making them relatives of the equally large Norwegian Forest cats). Another common theory is that Maine Coons are simply a naturally occurring breed in those regions, initially wild and eventually domesticated by humans. We think each of these theories might hold a grain of truth 🙂

The big cat with a big heart – get to know the Maine Coon breed better

Every breed has its unique traits that attract a loyal following. It so happens that Maine Coons have a plethora of reasons why humans simply adore them. They are often said to be like dogs among cats – exceptionally friendly, loving human company, brave, open, intelligent, eager to spend time together, and not so crazy as to wreck the whole apartment. Such cats are a treasure. As always, we must mention that while many cats of a given breed will share certain character traits, each kitty is unique and may deviate from these “standards” in some way. If your MCO doesn’t fit the typical breed mold, let us know in the comments 🙂

What truly sets Maine Coons apart from other furballs is their size. They are true feline giants. Male cats can weigh up to 11 kilograms and, including the tail, measure up to 100 cm. The record holder reached an astounding 123 cm in length. Quite a cat, right? Females are naturally a bit smaller, but compared to a “typical” domestic cat, they still have something to boast about. Even small kittens stand out in size compared to their peers of other breeds – at 6 months, they can weigh up to 4-6 kilograms, which for many other cats would be their adult weight. And it’s worth noting that Maine Coons can continue to gain size and weight until they are 4 years old.

Are MCOs healthy cats? Generally, yes, although like any breed, they have certain predispositions to diseases due to genetics or the breed’s size. Therefore, when choosing a cat, it’s always worth thoroughly checking the cattery and the tests performed on its parents and ancestors. Additionally, take care of your kitty’s health with an appropriate diet, regular veterinary visits, and preventive measures, and you’ll enjoy the company of this purring giant for many years.

One interesting trait of Maine Coons is their relatively common polydactyly, a genetic mutation where cats have 6 instead of 5 toes (on the front paw) or 5 instead of 4 (on the back paws). Their paws look larger as if they have an extra thumb. Like our meowdel, Biggie, who you can admire in the photo above and on Instagram @sweetpawsnfeet.

How to prepare your home for a Maine Coon tenant?

Big kitty = big requirements – that’s quite understandable 🙂 The problem most often faced by owners of such a magnificent breed like MCO is the size of cat accessories, often designed for young kittens rather than adult cats. For a fur giant, such gadgets are almost miniatures. Whether a young or adult Maine Coon joins your family, pay attention to the sizes of the accessories you order, especially ensuring ample size for:

  • The litter box. For an MCO, it might be more like a large basin rather than a classic litter box from a pet store. The key is for the cat to turn around comfortably and position themself to do their business without having their head and paws sticking out of the toilet.
  • Scratching posts and beds. At myKotty, we know this topic well, which is why we design our products with large cats in mind from the very beginning. You surely know that many horizontal (and vertical) scratching posts simply don’t meet the needs of adult cats – they are too small, too light, and don’t allow the cat to brace themself solidly, scratch, or lay down properly. At myKotty, both classic scratching posts and beds easily accommodate younger and adult MCOs. Our real hit, however, is our new arrivals – the LUI and VIGO XL scratchers. Even bigger, even sturdier, and even better suited to the needs of the largest felines, the XL models are simply a product tailored to Maine Coon’s size. And until the end of July, you can grab them on our site at good prices. Check out and grab the LUI XL for 46,00 €, VIGO XL for 30,00 €, or the LUI XL + VIGO XL set for 77,00 € → 
  • Food supplies. One look at a Maine Coon tells you this guy is going to gobble up a hefty breakfast, and not just one. The right portion for your cat should, of course, be calculated based on their body weight and physical activity. One thing is certain – a Maine Coon will eat like two, and if you choose this breed, you need to be ready for larger cat food shopping.

These are, of course, just some elements of the home equipment your Maine Coon will use daily. This kitty will easily take up the entire space on the couch or armchair, spread out like a king in the middle of the living room rug, and dangle their paws off the windowsill when they don’t fit. So, if you like having a cat around that you can always easily find, a Maine Coon is your perfect match.

Have you ever met one of these feline giants in person, fabCats? What are your impressions after encounters with Maine Coons? Join the discussion 🙂

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