While they may be masters of lounging, cats are anything but boring. Especially when it comes to their personalities and peculiar habits, which can leave even the most experienced fabCat speechless. Sleeping in boxes, kneading blankets before bed, hunting invisible foes under the covers – what seems odd to humans is pure bliss for cats! Today, we’re diving into whether your feline, dear fabCat, displays some of these unusual yet quintessentially cat-like behaviors. Stick around to the end!
Sun Salutations: Tails Up, Bums Out
Has your cat ever surprised you with a sudden showcase of their dance talents by presenting their rear end right in front of your face? Consider yourself honored – such displays are reserved only for select humans. Cats use these unique sun salutations in two situations: when greeting you in a very friendly manner or when you hit that perfect spot on their back while petting them. To thank your feline for this special honor, just keep scratching where they like it best – luckily, no need to reciprocate in kind!
Saving Dinner for Later: “Let Me Just Bury This Bowl”
What does a kitty do when they want to save some leftovers for later? Some simply walk away, but others go the extra mile… by trying to bury the bowl. Does it matter that the bowl sits on tile floors with nothing to cover it? Absolutely not. This behavior stems from a deeply ingrained instinct – your cat’s inner wild feline trying to keep other predators from snatching their prized meal. There’s another explanation too: some cats use this gesture to tell their humans it’s time to change the menu. The current food? Passé.
“Let Me Knead You Like Dough”
Here we land on the island of behaviors that melt every fabCat’s heart. If you’re the lucky chosen one your cat kneads every evening during movie nights or before bedtime, you’ve got a lot to celebrate! This behavior harks back to kittenhood and is a sign of happiness and contentment. It’s often accompanied by loud purring and, sometimes, even little smacking sounds. Fun fact: kneading also leaves your cat’s scent on you thanks to the glands in their paws. This unique massage technique is your cat’s way of telling the world: this human is mine!
Cardboard Palace? A Purrfect Luxury!
In times of skyrocketing inflation and sky-high real estate prices, many of us joke (through tears) that the only home we can afford is a cardboard box under a bridge. While that’s the opposite of luxury for us humans, for cats, this scenario sounds like a dream come true – well, maybe minus the bridge. Cats adore cardboard in every form – big boxes, shoe boxes, packaging from scratchers, and beds. They don’t even mind a flattened box because, after all, it makes a great flying carpet. From a cat’s perspective, cardboard is synonymous with a warm, cozy, private shelter. If your kitty loves boxes, don’t take away their joy the minute you unpack your deliveries. Let them enjoy it!
My Enemies Are Dangerous… and Invisible
We’re wrapping up our list with what tigers love most: hunting! Imagine your cat darting across the apartment at Formula 1 speeds, rounding corners like a born purrfessional, and leaping onto shelves, stools, couches, and chairs as if gravity doesn’t exist. What are they chasing? You may never know because their opponent is usually invisible… and possibly imaginary. So why the chase? Because they want to! This hunt for invisible foes is pure entertainment for your cat – and a great workout in case they ever need to spring into action. You can join the fun by grabbing a wand toy or their favorite plaything to give their antics some purpose. Or you can just sit back and watch as they burn off energy in the most delightfully chaotic way. Everyone needs to let loose sometimes!
Honorable mentions also go to other typical cat behaviors: staring at a single spot, drinking water from the least obvious containers, nighttime concerts, post-litter-box sprints, and showing off their belly only to grab anyone who dares to pet it. What would you add to this list, fabCats? And do your kitties display any of the behaviors we’ve shared? Let us know in the comments!