How to teach a cat use a litter box?


You love spend time with your cat and you can’t imagine life without this sweet purring, playing and constantly asking for food which could be more touching than little Yoda in The Mandalorian! Well, we bet it is, but beginnings probably wasn’t  as easy as now! Try to remind daily cat’s habits training and adaptation in a new place like using cat litter box – probably there was some difficulties – perhaps first visits in a  litter box wasn’t successfully completed. If you are over it – great! If you think about a cat caretaker role, but you affraid of this challenging first steps of your friendship – we have something what could help. Read the article and get knowledge how train your cat to use the litter box.

 How to choose a cat litter box?

Start teaching cat how to use the litter box from the moment your pet places its first steps. Usually kittens, imitating their mother, learn to make a poo in the litter box themselves. But in the case of orphan cats or very stressed furry students, in the new place of residence, the litter box is not always a first choice for them. So if the newest member of the family is unable to adapt to the surroundings, do your best to facilitate the process of settling down.

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The basic and one of the most important stages leading to successful cat education is buying the right litter box. Open, covered, with high or low walls – there is no shortage of possibilities. Standard dimensions of the cuvette are 45 cm long and 35 cm wide. For the comfort of furry you have to think about buying a litter box that will not be smaller than the given format. At the beginning a good solution fot a cat will be to choose an open litter box with lower walls, which will make your little friend have no trouble getting inside. Later you can replace the litter box with a larger one and a closed one.

Every fabcat should consider buying an innovative product – the smart litter box, which is easy to use and very hygienic. Enables the quick replacement of grit without the risk of getting your hands dirty. Intelligent cuvettes, with the help of special filters, also effectively cope with unpleasant odors and harmful bacteria, becoming part of ecological solutions. Some models have advanced features that help in monitoring cat’s health.

When you choose the litter box, think about the proper base. Cats have an innate need to bury droppings, so buying the right litter is very important. Pick proven solutions – for instance fine-grained litters, preferably odorless, which should not arouse aversion in your pet. When choosing a gravel, keep in mind its heaviness and whether it will spread around the litter box.

Where to put a cat litter box?

Proper prepared cuvette you should put in a quiet place. For sure not in the corridor, near loud devices or in the central point of the hall. By placing the litter box in calm location, you will give the cat some privacy without distracting its attention. Remember that the area of ​​the cat’s toilet should not be near the bowls with water and food, because the smell of them could by annoying for cats.

Getting the cat used to the litter box

Good quality grit, suitable dimensions of litter tray, and a new family member – when everything is in the right place, you can start acquainting cat to using the litter box. It’s important to learning by regularly putting your pet in it. After a meal, waking up and playing, and especially in this moment when you see that the kitten looks sideways and sits down on its paws in a characteristic way – you need to systematically adapt cat to using toilet’s place.

Initially, when you learning pet how to use the litter box, you can also reach for treats. The reward for choosing right place ensure your furry friend ​​that it is doing the right thing and will make the litter box bring cat positive associations. Remember that a cat must never be punished for settling elsewhere than in a litter box. In this situation, the best idea would be to take cat droppings and place them in a litter box to show the cat what to do.

What should you do when your cat has stopped using the litter box?

What if your cat, which until now had been using the litter box flawlessly, started to settle in other places? In this case visit in the specialist is necessary. Behavioral problems or disease symptoms – changes in cat behavior may indicate a variety of problems. Therefore, taking care of your cat’s health, consult a veterinarian, whose professional help will prove to be irreplaceable in caring for your friend.

Since cats are very pure animals by nature, trying to teach them how to use them is not a problem. A quiet place, the right size of litter box and your patience – meeting these requirements is a quick way to achieve educational success.

How was with your cats, fabCats? 

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