9 facts about myKotty you might have had no idea about

Music! Lights! Action! 

October is a month of celebration for myKotty – at least you have your 9th birthday only once. Some say cats have 9 lives, but we’re definitely not planning to stop and, behind the scenes, we’re already prepping things for you that make the fur bristle with awe. But before we close up another good year and go back to work with full force, it’s time to let loose a little. Are you ready for 9 fun facts about myKotty you might have had no idea about? 

Team myKotty has 16 paws total

At myKotty, it’s the furry creatures who run the business, or at least that’s what they think. We’re creating our next projects of scratchers, cat beds, accessories for cats and it’s our cats who get to test all prototypes, from the first day of our brand’s existence. Our team has 16 paws total… that’s cat paws, of course. But, as we know, getting overworked is not in cats’ nature – one has to find time to groom the fur, do the manicure and take care of other cat businesses. So to help them out, we have some hooman hands in the team as well and their able, opposable thumbs help us close everything up to the last button.

50% teamu myKotty reacts to catnip! 

Coincidence? We don’t think so 😉 But for those who turn their whiskers up to catnip, our KungFu cat toy is filled also with valerian. No cat can say no to a mix like that. 

The cat from our brand’s logo is an accurate tracing of Louis – the progenitor of myKotty 

FabCats who have been with us a little longer surely remember our cat duet – Luis and Figo. But do you know that it’s thanks to Luis that we made our myKotty logo? And it’s his purrfect pose while scratching one of the first prototypes of our scratchers that got captured as a vector and later put on all myKotty products. We don’t know a better way to have the progenitor of our brand watch over us forever. 

We’re leaders of office CATworking

CATworking, which translates to: working with cats, is our speciality! MyKotty brand started 9 years ago with our cat Luis’ idea, so we’ve been working with cats since the very first day. Along with new people coming to our team, the number of cats in the crew grows as well! Enough said, we’ve purrfected managing office business with a cat walking on our keyboards quite quickly. 

We’re talking to you from all over Poland

Working at myKotty is a home office job – we’ve been working from the couch before it got fashionable! Our cats, of course, appreciate the constant company and we, thanks to the flexibility of hoomans working in our team, can talk to you from different locations all around Poland. Poznań, Wrocław, Toruń, Szczecin, Szprotawa … sometimes even the mountain tops, the beach, the restaurant coach of the express train or the secret cat dimension only a few can access! But how to keep the good spirits of the team in such conditions? This is our secret: 

A day without a meme sent out to the team is a day lost 

Working in a friendly environment is way better than in the typical office vibe and a good mood makes for some spontaneous creativity bursts. This is why, at myKotty, every day without a cat meme is considered a day lost. We like sending out to the team all kinds of memes, jokes and funny videos from the early morning hours. Rumors say that cats are laughing at memes about hoomans just as often 🙂 

We measure cardboard and fur in tons – that’s just how it is in a cat business 

We are a 100% polish brand, but as in every cat’s head, we also have thoughts of conquering the world. After all – why not! But how can we do it? FabCat style, of course – with tons of cardboard, fur, aromeowtic herbs and loads of ideas in our heads. And though we have our homebase in Poland, we are reaching fabCats all around the world. Canada, Japan, Australia? We’re wondering if we will ever put our pin on the Moon, since we’ve already sent out to Mars the first cat in space – Neil CATstrong in our space themed litter box SpaceKotty! 

We got to the US with a bang 

And on the topic of global expansion, myKotty has quickly set its roots in the US. The first container of scratchers that was shipped to the USA was loaded up with scratchers packed up by none other than our founders – Marta and Mariusz. It was quite a feat, with fingertips torn down and bleeding from the cardboard. Today the packages for our fabCats in the US are shipped from our warehouse in Delaware, but we’re still proudly reminiscing about that first, milestone container, which went on its way straight from under our paws. 

A brand with character – a story behind the myKotty brand name

For dessert, we are leaving you with a tidbit that will be a true delight to all the fabCats who have been with us since the very beginning. Do you remember that when we started, we actually named our brand myKitty? About a year later we dropped the weak “i” for a big fat “o”. A cat brand has to have some flair! 

Was anything surprising to you, dear fabCats? Or maybe you’ve long suspected that working with cats has to be furrtastic in all aspects? We know one thing – it’s thanks to you, fabCats, that our myKotty brand has been growing strong for 9 years now and it’s for you and your fluffy companions that we’re making all our future cat projects. Always with you, everywhere! 

Let’s have a virtual toast for you and the next 9 lives of myKotty. 

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