“Let’s share the experience” is not only the title of our action two weeks ago, in which we asked you to send us your experiences …
Cat’s physiology, so how do you get a hold of that litter tray?
The physiology of cats is complex, and this can easily be seen from their behaviour when using the litter tray, for example. Cats are very …
Do it yourself, that is, zero waste cat toys
Cats are born hunters and love to play catching, lurking, jumping, scratching or kicking – they know plenty of ways to have fun! You know …
How to take care of a cat that has to be left alone at home?
Many people wonder whether or not their cats can be left alone at home. Leaving your friend for a few hours is not a big …
Cat obesity. How to prevent it?
The main reasons for obesity when it comes to our mustached friends are bad cat diet and lack of exercise. Most commonly it happens due …
A cat from the shelter. What should we prepare for?
Maaaaaaaaany arguments stand for adopting a cat :). The most important one is that a pet is given a chance for a new, better life. …
When you cat starts to feel off-colour
Cats are unique creatures which prefer going their own sweet way. Wild by nature, they are also prone to stress and certain diseases. However, first …
But first, ecology. How we’re designing
At myKotty, aspects like recycling and environmental protection are very important to us. The company exists almost 8 years on the market and from the …
Under one roof with the moggie
They walk their own paths, stick in pairs or move in meowing gangs. They purr to us from the TV screen, smiling for us from …
MIA cardboard playhouse – an effective way to reduce stress in cats
They say that home is where the family is, right? And cats are most definitely family members. It’s a truly amazing feeling to be able …